Vika 23rd Sept 2016 #3

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Jakie masz plany na dzisiaj?
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What are your plans for today?
Spotkam się z moim przyjacielem.
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I'm meeting my friend. / I'm meeting up with my friend.
Wracam do Kowna o północy.
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I'm coming back to K. at midnight.
masz rację
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that's right / that's correct
poznaliśmy się dwa miesiące temu
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we met two months ago
On jest starszy niż ja.
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He is older than me.
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ekonomia (nauka)
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w sferze publicznej
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in the public sphere
w sferze prywatnej
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in the private sphere
Na twoim miejscu...
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If I were you...
nawet jeśli myślisz, że...
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even if you think that...
kilka razy w miesiącu
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a few times a month
O której godzinie twoja siostra je śniadanie?
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What time doeS your sister have / eat bf?
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a book
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an article
Nie wiem jak to powiedzieć po rosyjsku.
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I don't know how TO say it in Russian.
Zapomniałam jak to powiedzieć po angielsku.
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I forgot how to say it in English.
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jest 8:30
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it's half (PAST) eight
tam była góra
tam były góry
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there was a mountain
there were mountains
Mam dużo książek.
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I have a lot OF books.
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to improve / to enhance
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to develop
Can you GIVE me an example.
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robić coś w ramach wolontariatu
He volunteered to help us.
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to volunteer to do sth

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