Vince Words and phrases do 4 działu

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Domanda English Risposta English
for one
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w każdym razie
one-time politician
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były polityk
one by one
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jeden po drugim
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break the ice
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przełamać lody
break off
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odrywać, złamać
the bells were tingling
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grind of brakes
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pisk hamulców
take up position
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zająć pozycję
be in the lead
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być na prowadzeniu
read sb's palm
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wróżyć z ręki
rapid appreciation in the value
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gwałtowny wzrost wartości
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kabel, smycz
on its merits
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na podstawie własnych zasług (obiektywnie)
please remember me to your mother
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say hello to your mother for me
commensurate with
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on a lever with sth (współmierny)
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szczegółowo badać (coś), analizować (coś)
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inopportune moment
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<bad> moment
at the outset of sth
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na początku (set out on)
on the doorstep
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na progu, pod samym nosem
it's is no use doing/ there is no point doing
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nie ma sensu (use, point)
out of character of sb
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unlinke one's behaviour (character)
make inquiries
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zasięgnąć informacji
make ample provisions for
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przewidzieć coś (provisions)
it never entered my head
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I've never thought of it
can't make head or tail of it
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not to understand (head, tail)
bring matters to a head
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to force decision making
I'm way over my head
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it's out of my control (head)
I'm off my head
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I've gone mad (head)
go to one's head
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not to control one's feelings (head)
keep one's head
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not to lose control over emotions
I can do it standing on one's head
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it's very easy (head)
by and large
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w zasadzie
by far
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by all means
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jak najbardziej
by no means
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w żaden sposób
by and by
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z czasem
by chance
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by rights
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właściwie (rights)

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