Virginia Evans

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Domanda English Risposta English
nearly, almost/exept
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all but
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all in
in spite of
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for all
used to express ennoyance/suprise because a certain person was thought to be unsuitable
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of all people
from the beginning
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all along
yet, however
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all the same
when everything is considered
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all in all
as far as I know
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for all I know
consider sth
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take sth into account
because of
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on account of
under no circumstances
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on no account
for this/that reason
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on this/that account
broadcasting (opp: off the air)
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on the air
it exists, but not talked about
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in the air
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up in the air
remove suspicion or bad feeling
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clear the air
be very angry
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be up in arms
on the look-out, expecting sth
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on the alert

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