Vocab II

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be in the black
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have money in your bank account, be in credit (compare – be in the red – not have any money, owe money to the bank
black and blue
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bruised all over
a black day
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very bad, unlucky day
black ide
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insisible ice
a black list / to blacklist sb
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czarna lista / umieścić kogoś na czarnej liście
to give sb a black look
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a killing look
a black mark
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sth that counts against you, some failure of yours or misconduct
a black sheep in the family
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sb who brings disgrace to their family,
a blackout
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loss of electricity due to power failure / loss of consciousness
a blackspot
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a place where road accidents most often happen
to be in sb's black books
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to be out of favour with sb
in black and white
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in print
not as black as one is painted
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not as bad as it seemed
blue blood
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aristocratic (blue-blooded)
a blue collar worker (compare a white collar worker)
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factory vs. Office workers
a blue-eyed boy
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a favourite (man)
a blue film
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a porn or obscene film
a bolt from the blue
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a sudden shock
to go off into the blue
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to leave suddenly without a trace
in a blue funk
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very worried about sth
once in a blue moon
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very seldom
out of the blue
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scream blue murder
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to shout loudly and emotionally to protest against sth
till one is blue in the face
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till one is exhausted
a true blue
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a conservative (a man with concervative views)
to be green
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unexperienced, new to sth
a green belt
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a green area surrounding the town, the suburb
to give sb a green ligh
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to give permission, approval to do sth
green with envy
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zielony z zazdrości
have green fingers
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be a brilliant gardener
to go grey
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about hair
grey matter (vs white matter)
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grey matter of the brain
to be/turn as red as a beetroot
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to go red in the face due to embarassment etc.
to catch sb red-handed
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to catch sb doing sth wrong, in flagrant
to roll out a red carpet
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to make a special celebration for sb
a red herring
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sth irrellevant, unimportant
red tape
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a red letter day
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an important or joyfull occasion
see red
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be very outraged
as white as a sheet/ ghost
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biały jak kartka papieru / duch
white coffee
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kawa z mlekiem
a white lie
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niewinne kłamstwo
crickets are chirping
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świerszcze i cykanie
a dress on the (washing) line hanging dry
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wyschnięta sukienka wisząca na sznurku
to be bent over backwards/forwards
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pochylać się do tyłu / do przodu
not a word of...
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ani słowa...
to hang around
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kręcić się wokół
on the outskirts of town
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przedmieścia miasta
to quote from ... the Bible
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cytat z... Biblii
a preacher
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a sermon, to give a sermon
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kazanie, wygłaszać kazanie
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vile and depraved
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podły i zdeprawowany
it sticks in your throat
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staje ci kością w gardle
people just float
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ludzie po prostu stąpają / kroczą
to uproot sth (tree trunks uprooted)
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wyrywać coś z korzeniami
pulse, vibration and rumbling force
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puls, wibracja i dudniąca siła
beating on a dead horse (doing sth in vain)
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robienie czegoś na próżno

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