vocabulary in context 4

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Domanda English Risposta English
to be sb's opposite number
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to have the same position/do the same job in other company
working relationship
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communication and work together
rapport (n)
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workmate (n)
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(informal) colleague
talk shop (v)
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(informal) talk about work
hierarchical (adj)
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having a structure with powrful and less powerful people
pecking-order (n)
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system where some people have the right to get promotions before others
do a job share
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having a 50% contract with someone for the same job
clock in and clock out
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use and electronic card to record the time spent in the office
nine-to-five job
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job with fixed hours
be on flexi-time/work flexi-time
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have flexible working hours
teleworker (n)
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person working at home using computer
do shift work/be a shift worker
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works different times, with shifts
be self-employed
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have one's company
be freelance/work freelance
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change jobs very often
meet a deadline
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have sth finished by a fixed day or time
heavy workload (n)
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amount of work to do
knock off (v)
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(informal) finish work
be stuck behind the desk
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(informal) sit in and office all day
be stuck in a rut
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stuck in a job someone can't escape from
dead-end job
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job without prospects of promotion
manual work
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hard and physical work
vocational work
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work which helps people
achiever (n)
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sb determined to succeed and achieve great things
basic (n)
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guaranteed minimum salary without overtime and bonuses
drive (n)
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strong motivation
close-knit (adj)
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working in a close relationship
maternity/paternity leave (n)
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time away from work to have a new baby
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(informal) extra things apart from salary
holiday entitlement (n)
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number of days you have the right to take as holiday
salary increament (n)
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salary increase, rise
reach/hit a glass celling (v)
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reach a level where you cannot get fruther promotion
cold-calling (n)
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phoning people who have not requested a call in order to try to sell them sth
hard sell (n)
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attempt to sell sth being very forceful
inertia selling (n)
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when a company behaves as if you agreed to buy sth because you did not actually refuse it
confusion marketing (n)
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selling services and products in a package, in a way that it is very difficult to work out which company is the cheapest
loss leader (n)
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the item sold very cheaply to attract a lot of people into the shop
niche market (n)
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specialised, small goup of customers interested in sth
brand loyalty (n)
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tendency always to choose one brand
shop around (v)
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try different companies to see which offers the best value
buy on approval (v)
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have a right to return bought thing if it is not satisfactory
come/go under the hammer (v)
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be sold at an auction
red tape (n)
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merging (adj)
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joining together to form one new company
hammer out a deal (v)
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talk seriously an in detail until a agreement is made
swallowed up (adj)
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(about a company) taken over by a larger company
enterpreneurship (n)
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involvement in business and taking financial risks
capital assets (n)
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buildings and machines owned by a company
put in/submit a tender (v)
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supply a written offer to do a job for an agreed price
win a tender (v)
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be given a job, after submitting a tender
meet/miss a deadline (v)
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supply/fail to supply sth by the agreed time
penalty clause (n)
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part of a cotract specifying what will happen if an agreement is broken
outstanding account (n)
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an account that has not yet beed paid
default on a payment (v)
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fail to pay sth that had beed agreed
acknowledge receipt (v)
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inform the sender when sth is received
ship an order (v)
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send out goods (shipment) that have beed ordered
expire (v)
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end sth that was agreed for a fixed period
chief executive (n)
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the person with the post important position in a company
square deal (n)
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fair agreement
survival of the fittest (n)
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'przetrwają najlepsi'
human factor (n)
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ludzki czynnik
amass a fortune (v)
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zgromadzić fortunę
conduct business (v)
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prowadzić biznes

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