Words and Phrases 2

 0    24 schede    FairyFeller
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Domanda English Risposta English
get the sack
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be dismissed
there's no getting away from it
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not to be ignored
get your own back
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get revenge
get up speed
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get hold of
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to catch, contact sb
shake off sth
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get rid of sth
for all I know
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as far as I know
as far as it goes
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to certain extent
see through
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It has seen better days
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miał swoje lepsze dni
see the last of sb
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widzieć kogoś po raz ostatni
see eye to eye
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to have the same views on the world
see the joke
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notice the joke
see red
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get angry
see my way
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agree or allow sth
see a lot of sb
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widzieć się z kimś często
see the light
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come round to one's way of thinking
be green with envy
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zzielenieć z zazdrości
give sb the red carpet treatment
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traktować kogoś po królewsku
be browned off
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be bored
paint the town red
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zabawić się na całego
till you're blue in the face
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do utraty tchu
fall deep into the red
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popaść w długi
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pełen szacunku

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