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wziąść się do roboty
to start doing something
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to get down to business
ok, the job has to be done very quickly so let's get down to business
zakasać rękawy
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to roll one's sleeves up
być w interesach
to be for the purpose of doing business, not for pleasure
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to be on business
Everybody thought George flew to Hawaii to relax but actually, he went on business
pracować w terenie
to work outside the office, laboratory or classroom
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work in the field
Iza spent years in libraries studying tribal languages so when she was asked to go to Africa and work in the field, she accepted immediately.
pracownik umysłowy
a worker who does an office job
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white-collar worker
A career of a white-collar worker in the office is much more popular among young people than the hard and dirty work of blue-collar workers.
pracownik fizyczny
a manual worker
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a blue-collar worker
być na służbie, dyżurze
to be working at a particular time
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be on duty
być po służbie, dyżurze
not working at a particular time
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to be off duty
pracować nadgodziny
to work after the usual hours for extra pay
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to work overtime, to do overtime
pracować na akord
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to be on piece work
pracować na zmiany
to start work as another group finishes
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to be on shifts
być do dyspozycji
to be available at any time
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to be on call
There is a doctor on call 24 hours a day.
zwolnić kogoś z pracy
to dismiss sb from employment
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to fire sb
zwolnić kogoś, zostać zwolnionym
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to give sb the sack, to get the sack
zacząć pobierać zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
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to go on the dole
zacząć strajkować
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to go on strike
a strikebreaker
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