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Domanda English Risposta English
present simple
inizia ad imparare
forma podstawowa lub z s/es (do/does, don't/doesn't)
present continuous
inizia ad imparare
am/is/are + ing (inwersja, not)
present perfect
inizia ad imparare
have/has + III forma/ed (inwersja, not)
present perfect continuous
inizia ad imparare
have/has + been +ing (inwersja, not)
be in Past Simple
inizia ad imparare
was/were (inwersja, not)
Past Simple
inizia ad imparare
II forma/ed (did, didn't + forma podstawowa)
Past Continuous
inizia ad imparare
was/were + ing (inwersja, not)
Past Perfect
inizia ad imparare
had + III forma/ed (inwersja, not)
Past Perfect Continuous
inizia ad imparare
had + been + ing (inwersja, not)
Future Simple
inizia ad imparare
will+ forma podstawowa (inwersja, not)
Future Continuous
inizia ad imparare
will + be + ing (inwersja, not)
Future Perfect
inizia ad imparare
will + have + III forma/ed (inwersja. not)
Future Perfect Continuos
inizia ad imparare
will+ have + been + ing (inwersja, not)

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