Yes, I will TO BE

 0    10 schede    jakubkoralewski
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Domanda English Risposta English
Will you be at home today?
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Yes, I will.
Will you be on Mars tomorrow?
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No, I won’t.
Will it be Monday tomorrow?
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Yes, it will.
Will it be Sunday tomorrow?
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No, it won’t.
Will we be hungry tomorrow?
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Yes, we will.
Will we be in Vietnam tomorrow?
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No, we won’t.
Adam Mickiewicz: Will he be a great poet?
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Yes, he will.
Adam Mickiewicz: Will he be in your city next week?
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No, he won’t.
Madonna: Will she be hungry tomorrow?
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Yes, she will.
Madonna: Will she be singing in your house?
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No, she won’t.

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