Z2, 23.01.2014

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within 2 days
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w ciągu dwóch dni
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in no time
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w mig, natychmiast, “w żadnym czasie”
I will have finished this report by the end of the month.
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Skońćzę ten raport do końca miesiąca.
On the whole, he’s not so bad.
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Ogólnie rzecz biorąc (generalnie), on nie jest taki zły.
In any case, call me.
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“Jakby co”, zadzwoń.
Take the umbrella, just in case.
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Weź parasol, tak na wszelki wypadek.
in stock / out of stock
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na stanie, na magazynie / wyprzedany
at one time = one at a time
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nie wszyscy na raz!, po kolei
in one go
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za jednym razem
by all means
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= certainly, naturalnie, ależ oczywiście
so far
You’ve been the best so far.
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jak dotąd, na razie, jak do tej pory
by far
This is by far the best product on the market.
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o wiele, zdecydowanie
by chance
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are you John’s sister by any chance? Jesteś może siostrą Johna?
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are you John's sister by any chance? You can sister of John?
Have you got tissues by any chance?
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Masz może chusteczki?
to faint
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