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I have no tome to visit Danuta.
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He goes to school in the afternoon.
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She likes to go to town.
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The girl usually waits for the train.
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It's good day to work.
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The boy has two tables in the room.
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Mother is in the room.
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It's a good day to go for a walk.
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I have no time for shopping.
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Mother is in this building.
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I often wait in town for a day.
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We go to church in the afternoon.
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There are two clocks in the room.
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She's a nice girl.
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First he sees a white building.
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There's a big factory there.
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I know some good shops.
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She's there.
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It's nice to see Mary.
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It's a big car.
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Some people have houses and some have apartments.
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It's a nice country.
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I have some clocks.
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We usually go first.
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He sees a big station.
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Some girls like to work.
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He drives a big car every day.
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Warsaw is nice a big country.
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some big clocks
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a nice country
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Two big tables.
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the first nice day
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some girls
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five towns
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I often speak to my mother.
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