zdania ESKK lekcja 1A 25 C.

 0    18 schede    thomasch818
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Have you sown the wheat yet?
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They stored the crop in their barns.
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We have harvested all our corn.
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The cows grazed in the pastures every summer.
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You haven't milked the cows yet.
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The crop failed last year.
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Have you harvested much rye this year?
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They milked the cows very regularly.
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He has failed to return in time.
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We sowed the barley yesterday.
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Have you stored it in a barn?
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The cows always grazed quietly near the river.
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He is always forbidding me watching TV.
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She is always smoking cigarettes!
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They are always refusing me.
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He is always reading newspapers!
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They are always talking about horses!
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My father is always drinking only coffee.
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