30th June 2014

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postój taksówek
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taxi rank BrE, AmE taxi stand
żywa muzyka
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lively music/ child/ debate
zająć miejsce
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He took second place in the long jump.
in first/second etc place; I finished in third place.
zaostrzyć czyjś apetyt
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whet somebody's appetite (for something)
if an experience whets your appetite for something, it increases your desire for it
The view from the Quai bridge had whetted my appetite for a trip on the lake.
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gourmet /'go:mei/
someone who likes high - quality food; someone who knows a lot about food and wine and who enjoys good food and wine
I'm a bit of a gourmet.
zadać komuś pytanie
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put a question to somebody (=ask someone a question in a formal situation)
podstawowe pożywienie
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staple food
gulasz, potrawka
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maniok (rodzaj krzewu i byliny)
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manioc, cassava
dodatek do dania głównego
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side dish
brzmi apetycznie
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it sounds appetizing // unappetizing
ood that is appetizing smells or looks very good, making you want to eat it
popić coś, popijać coś
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to wash sth down with sth
to drink something with or after food or with medicine to help you swallow it
steak and chips washed down with red wine
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listen out for
rozerwać coś na części
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to break sth up
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to pound
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to dissolve
trzcina cukrowa
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sugar cane
lubiący przygody, eksperymenty
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marakuja, owoc męczennicy
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passion fruit
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to dilute
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mocny alkohol
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i o to chodzi
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that's the spirit
used to express approval of someone's behaviour or attitude
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just about
płukać gardło
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to gargle
dziękuję za zaproszenie
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thank you for having me
mieć zaszczyt coś zrobić
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I'm privilided to do sth
I was privileged to lead the team.
on / ona i jemu / jej podobni
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somebody and that/his/their etc ilk; of that/his/their etc ilk
psotny, figlarny, szelmowski
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język mówiony jest ważniejszy
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spoken language is primary, no
dawna wymowa: dwaj rycerze
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two knights
two /twou/ knikts
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cynic (noun)
Even hardened cynics believe the meeting is a step towards peace.
someone who is not willing to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something
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hardened criminal/police officer
a criminal, police officer etc who has had a lot of experience of things that are shocking and is therefore less affected by them
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take a peek
przyszło mi do głowy
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flash through somebody's mind/head/brain
if thoughts, images, memories etc flash through your mind, you suddenly think of them or remember them
dożywotni dostęp
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Lifetime access
zmarszczki między brwiami
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11 lines
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subject case: I, she
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object case: me, her
robić coś bezkarnie
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do sth with impunity
czy mogę rozmawiać z...
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This is she (formal: predicative nominative), this is her (less formal), this is me (less formal), this is I (formal) OR Speaking
a predicative nominative should be used in a form of a subject case even in the place of a object case
bez problemu, jak po maśle
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without a hitch
The whole show went without a hitch.
w codziennym użyciu
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in everyday use

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