angielski przed wyjazdem cz.2

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Poprosze dwie kawy.
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I’d like two coffees.
kawa ze smietanka i cukrem
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Coffee with cream and sugar
Poprosze herbate z cytryna.
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I’d like a tea with lemon.
Kieliszek wina.
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A glass of wine, please.
Poprosze jedno piwo.
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A beer, please.
Czy podac deser?
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Would you like a dessert?
Nie, poprosze tylko kawe.
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No, I’ll just have a coffee.
Poprosze sernik.
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Cheese cake, please.
ciasto czekoladowe
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chocolate cake
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Ice-cream, please.
Prosze o popielniczke.
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Can I have an ashtray, please?
Poprosze paczke chipsów i papierosy.
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A packet of crisps and cigarettes, please.
Czy sa herbatniki?
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Are there any biscuits?
Zgubiłem sie.
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I’ve got lost.
Przepraszam, jak dojsc do centrum?
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Excuse me. How can I get to the centre?
Idz prosto ulica Regent.
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Go along Regent Street.
Idz prosto.
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Go straight on.
Skrec w prawo.
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Turn right.
Skrec w lewo.
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Turn left.
Czy to jest dalekostąd?
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Is it far from here?
Kilka minut pieszo.
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A few minutes on foot.
Prosze pokazać to na mapie.
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Show it on the map, please.
O tu jestesmy.
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Here we are.
Pójdzie pan tędy.
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Go this way.
Czy w pobliżu jest bank?
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Is there a bank near here?
Jest tam, w pobliżu centrum handlowego.
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Over there, near the shopping centre.
Przepraszam, gdzie jest dworzec?
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Excuse me. Where is the station?
Apteka jest z prawej strony.
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The chemist’s is on the right.
Sklep spożywczy jest z lewej strony.
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The grocer’s is on the left.
Pomiedzy poczta i kwiaciarnia.
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Between the post office and the florist’s.
Przed ksiegarnia.
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In front of the bookshop.
Z tyłu za postojem taksówek.
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Behind the taxi rank.
Obok kiosku.
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Next to the newsagent’s.
Czym dojade do centrum?
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What do I take to the centre?
Gdzie jest najbliższa stacja metra?
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Where is the nearest underground station?
Jakim autobusem dojechać do supermarketu?
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Which bus goes to the supermarket?
Prosze wsiasc do autobusu nr 11 lub 16.
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Take bus number 11 or 16.
Chce dojechać do Starego Miasta.
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I want to get to the Old Town.
Gdzie mam wysiaść?
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Where should I get off?
Przepraszam, wysiadam tutaj.
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Excuse me, I’m getting off here.
Czy ten autobus jedzie w kierunku lotniska?
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Does this bus go towards the airport?
Gdziemoge kupić bilety?
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Where can I buy the tickets?
W kiosku.
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In the newsagent’s.
Poprosze jeden bilet.
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A ticket, please.
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bilet całodzienny
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a day ticket
Czy są jakieś zniżki?
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Are there any discounts?
zniżki dla dzieci
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discounts for children
zniżki dla studentów
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discounts for students
Gdzie jest postój taksówek?
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Where is the taxi rank?
Prosze mnie zawieść do hotelu.
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Please take me to the hotel.
Prosze zaczekać. Zaraz wracam.
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Please wait. I’ll be right back.
Poprosze chleb i szesc bułek.
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I’d like some bread and six rolls, please.
Cos jeszcze?
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Anything else?
1 kg cukru.
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1 kilogram of sugar.
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A packet of butter
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Coffee, please.
Która kawe?
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Which coffee?
Tamta, prosze.
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That one, please.
Prosze paczke płatków.
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A packet of cornflakes, please.
Karton mleka
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A carton of milk
Prosze czekolade.
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A bar of chocolate.
Prosze gazete.
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A newspaper, please.
Prosze paczke gumy do żucia.
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A packet of chewing gum.
Kawałek sera.
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A piece of cheese.
Ten, prosze.
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This one, please.
Dwie butelki wody mineralnej.
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Two bottles of mineral water.
Trzy kartony soku.
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Three cartons of juice.
Prosze pół kilo szynki.
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Half a kilo of ham, please.
Prosze 25 dag sera.
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250 grams of cheese, please.
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czarne porzeczki,
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Płaci sie przy kasie.
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Pay at the cashier’s desk.
£3 reszty.
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£3 change.
Poprosze 10 znaczków na pocztówki.
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10 stamps for postcards, please.
Ile kosztuje znaczek na list?
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How much is a stamp for a letter?
Poczta lotnicza?
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By airmail?
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An express letter.
Gdzie moge wysłać paczke?
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From where can I send a parcel?
Chciałabym nadać paczke do USA...
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I’d like to send a parcel to the USA
Prosze wypełnić ten druk.
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Fill in this form, please.
Co mam wpisać tutaj?
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What should I write here?
Wartość paczki.
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The value of the parcel.
Zawartość paczki.
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The contents of the parcel.
Czy mogłaby mi pani pomóc z tym formularzem?
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Could you help me with this form, please?
Czy moge wysłać przesyłke kurierska?
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Could I send a parcel by courier?
Ile wynosi opłata?
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What is the charge?
Kiedy bedzie dostarczona?
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When will it be delivered?
Usługa expresowa.
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By express service.
Chciałbym odebrać paczke.
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I’d like to pick up a parcel.
Gdzie mam podpisać?
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Where should I sign?
Poprosze karte telefoniczną.
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A phone card, please.
Poprosze koperte.
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An envelope, please.
Potrzebuje dużą.
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I need a big one.
Chciałbym wymienić 100€ na funty.
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I’d like to change 100 € into pounds.
Jaki jest dzisiaj kurs?
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What’s the exchange rate today?
Czy jest prowizja?
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Is there a commission?
W jakich banknotach?
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How would you like your money?
Prosze o banknoty 20 funtowe.
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Please give me £20 notes.
Czy moge wymienić bilon?
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Can I exchange the coins?
Chciałbym zrealizować czek.
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I’d like to cash this cheque.
Gdzie jest bankomat?
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Where is the cash dispenser?
Bankomat “połknął” moją karte.
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The cash point has “swallowed” my card.
Chciałbym wypłacić pieniadze z konta.
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I’d like to withdraw money from the account.
Chciałbym sprawdzić stan konta.
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I’d like to check the account statement.
Prosze włożyć karte.
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Please insert the card.
Wpisz PIN.
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Enter your PIN.
Naciśnij OK, aby potwierdzić.
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Press OK for confirmation.
Operacja nie może być zrealizowana.
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Access denied.
Limit jest przekroczony.
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Your account is overdrawn.
Chciałbym zablokować karte.
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I’d like to block the card.
Numer mojej karty to...
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My card number is...
Chciałbym otworzyć konto.
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I’d like to open a bank account.
Chciałbym zlikwidować konto.
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I’d like to close the account.
Czy możesz wezwać lekarza?
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Could you call the doctor?
Prosze wejść.
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Come in, please.
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Sit down.
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Stand up.
Obróć sie.
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Turn round.
Połóż sie.
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Lie down.
Otwórz usta.
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Open your mouth.
Zegnij kolana.
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Bend your knees.
Podwiń rekaw.
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Roll up your sleeve.
Zdejmij koszule.
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Take off your shirt.
Ubierz sie.
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Get dressed.
Zamknij oczy.
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Close your eyes.
Wez głeboki wdech.
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Take a deep breath.
Co sie dzieje?
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What’s the matter?
Boli mnie głowa.
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I’ve got a headache.
Mam katar.
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I’ve got a runny nose.
Boli mnie gardło.
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I’ve got a sore throat.
Mam temperature.
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I’ve got a temperature.
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I’ve got a cough.
Jestem przeziebiona.
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I’ve got a cold.
Tu jest recepta.
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Here’s the prescription.
Jak czesto mam brac lekarstwa?
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How often should I take the medicine?
Trzy razy dziennie po posiłku.
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Three times a day after meals.
Nie czuje sie dobrze.
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I don’t feel very well.
Niedobrze mi.
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I feel sick.
Wczoraj wymiotowałam.
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I was sick yesterday.
Boli mnie brzuch.
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I’ve got a stomach-ache.
Mam rozwolnienie.
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I have diarrhoea.
Bola mnie plecy.
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I’ve got a backache.
Boli mnie ząb.
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I’ve got a toothache.
Chciałabym umówic sie na wizyte.
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I’d like to make an appointment.
Boli mnie tutaj.
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It hurts here.
Mam trudności z oddychaniem.
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I have difficulty in breathing.
Mam wysokie / niskie ciśnienie.
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I have high / low blood pressure.
Jest mi słabo.
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I feel faint.
Zaraz zemdleje.
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I’m going to faint.
Miałem atak serca przed 2 laty.
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I had a heart attack 2 years ago.
Skreciłam kostke.
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I’ve sprained my ankle.
Złamałam noge.
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I’ve broken my leg.
Mam uczulenie na koty.
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I’m allergic to cats.
Dostaniesz zastrzyk.
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You’ll get an injection.
Mam problem.
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I have a problem.
Chciałbym zgłosić kradzież.
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I’d like to report a theft.
Zostałem napadniety.
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I’ve been mugged.
Ktoś ukradł mój plecak.
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Somebody has stolen my rucksack.
Dokumenty i karty kredytowe.
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My documents and credit cards.
Zgubiłem paszport.
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I’ve lost my passport.
Chce sie skontaktować z Polskim konsulatem.
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I’d like to contact the Polish consulate.
Mówie słabo po angielsku.
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I don’t speak English well.
Ktoś ukradł mój samochód.
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Somebody has stolen my car.
Zostawiłem go na parkingu.
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I left it in the car park.
Zepsuł mi sie samochód.
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My car has broken down.
Czy może pan wezwać pomoc drogową?
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Can you call the emergency breakdown service?
Skonczyło mi sie paliwo.
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I’ve run out of petrol.
Moje bagaże zagineły.
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My luggage is lost.
Spózniłem sie na samolot.
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I’m late for the plane.
Był wypadek!
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There was an accident!
Jaki jest numer ratunkowy?
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What’s the emergency number?
Czy ma pan komórke?
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Have you got a mobile?
Dzwońcie po pogotowie!
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Call an ambulance!
Dzwońcie na policje!
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Call the Police!
Dzwońcie po straż pożarna!
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Call the fire brigade!
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Czy potrzebujesz pomocy?
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Do you need help?
Tak, prosze.
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Yes, please.
Nie, dziekuje.
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No, thanks.
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To nie jest konieczne.
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It’s not necessary.
dać rade,
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to manage
Dam sobie rade.
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I can manage.
Poprosze paszport.
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Passport, please.
Prosze (podając).
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Here you are.
Jaki jest cel pańskiej podróży?
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What’s the purpose of your visit?
Jade do pracy.
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I’m going to work.
Jade na kurs angielskiego do Brighton.
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I’m taking an English course in Brighton.
Spędzam tu wakacje.
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I’m spending my holiday here.
Jade do rodziny w Londynie.
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I’m visiting my family in London.
Szukam pracy na wakacje.
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I’m looking for a summer job.
Jestem w podróży służbowej.
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I’m on a business trip.
Gdzie się pan zatrzyma?
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Where are you staying?
Zamierzam wynająć pokój.
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I’m going to rent a room.
Zatrzymam sie w hotelu.
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I’m staying in a hotel.
Zatrzymam się u rodziny angielskiej.
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I’m staying with an English family.
Czy wcześniej byłeś w Wielkiej Brytanii?
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Have you been to Great Britain before?
To mój pierwszy pobyt.
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It’s my first visit.
Byłem tu rok temu.
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I was here a year ago.
Byłem tu kilka razy.
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I’ve been here a few times.
Jak długo tu zostaniesz?
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How long are you going to stay?
Przez dwa miesiace.
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For two months.
Dwa tygodnie.
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For two weeks.
Prosze przygotować się do kontroli celnej.
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Please get ready for customs control.
Tu są moje dokumenty.
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Here are my documents.
Prosze otworzyć bagażnik.
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Please open the boot.
Prosze otworzyć walizke.
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Please open your suitcase.
Nie mam nic do oclenia.
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I have nothing to declare.
To są prezenty dla rodziny.
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These are gifts for my family.
To są moje rzeczy osobiste.
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These are my private things.
Mam dwie butelki wódki.
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I have two bottles of vodka.
Tego nie wolno przewozić.
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You can’t bring it into this country.
Czy musze za to płacić cło?
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Do I have to pay customs duty for this?
Za to trzeba zapłacić cło.
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You have to pay customs duty for this.
Ile to wynosi?
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How much is it?
Cło wynosi...
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Your customs duty amounts to...
Ile ma pan papierosów?
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How many cigarettes do you have?
Ile mogę przewieźć bez cła?
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How many can I bring in duty-free?
Czy to jest dozwolone?
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Is it allowed?
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the day before yesterday
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the day after tomorrow
dwa dni temu,
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two days ago
za trzy tygodnie,
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in three weeks
w zeszłym miesiącu,
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last month
w poniedziałek,
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on Monday
podczas weekend,
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at the weekend
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in the morning
po południu,
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in the afternoon
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in the evening
w nocy,
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at night
w marcu,
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in March
o północy,
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at midnight
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a shop assistant
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a policeman
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a nurse
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a driver
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a taxi driver
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,an accountant
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a clerk
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a secretary
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a manager
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a journalist
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a waiter
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a baby sitter
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a student
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Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda?
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What’s the weather like today?
Pada deszcz.
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It’s raining.
Jest gorąco.
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It’s hot.
Pada śnieg.
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It’s snowing.
Wieje wiatr.
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It’s windy.
Jest ciepło.
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It’s warm.
Jest zimno.
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It’s cold.
Jest mokro.
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It’s wet.
Jest słoneczny dzień.
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It’s a sunny day.
Okropna pogoda.
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Terrible weather.
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