BBC Learning English: The Experiment: Phrase Frenzy - the body

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kosztować majątek, słono kosztować, być bardzo drogim, kosztować krocie
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to cost an arm and a leg
zgadzać się
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zgadzać się in inglese
to see eye to eye
przestraszyć się, stchórzyć
Ona stchórzyła przed ślubem.
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to get cold feet/to have cold feet
She got cold feet before the wedding.
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on the wrong foot
źle coś rozpocząć (np. znajomość)
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start off on the wrong foot/get off on the wrong foot
to sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised and supported
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put your feet up
After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put your feet up.
to make a great effort to do something, especially if it is difficult or you are feeling tired
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put your best foot forward

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