Idioms to dercribe people

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Domanda English Risposta English
a big shot
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is important and influential
a blackleg
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carries on working when other workers are on strike
a busybody
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always wants to know about other people’s private lives
a chatterbox
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can’t stop talking
a daredevil
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loves taking risks and doing dangerous things
a figurehead
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is head or chief but in name only as he/she has no real power
a gatecrasher
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turns up at a party without being invited to it
a general dogsbody
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has a low position in company and gets all goring jobs that no one else wants to do, e.g. photocopying, making coffee etc.
a jaywalker
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crossed the street in a carless or dangerous way/ often ignoring traffic lights
a junkie
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is unable to stop taking drugs
a killjoy
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disapproves of things that other people enjoy and who tries to stop them from enjoying themselves
a layabout
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is very lazy and avoids responsibility and work
a litter lout
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drops rubbish everyone and never puts it in the bin
a pain in the neck
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is a really annoying person who most people can’t stand
a ringleader
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leads other to do wrong or make trouble
a scapegoat
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is unfairly blamed or punished for something because the public wants to see that someone is punished or blamed
a skinflint
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hates to spend or give money
a sponger
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is always borrowing money and living off other people
an underdog
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is expected to lose in a competition with someone else or a weaker person who is always treated badly by others
a whizz kid
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is extremely intelligent and successful at their job, even thought he/she is very young

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