Idiomy angielskie z książki "A good turn of phrase", unit 4

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Domanda English Risposta English
food for thought
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sth to think about
whet one’s appetite
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to make sb keen to experience/taste more of sth
at a loss for words
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unable to think of anything to
make one’s mouth water
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to cause sb to desire sth, especially food
cut corners
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to use a cheaper/easier method
in full swing
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at a very lively stage/point
pull a few strings
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to use influence to achieve sth
cannot hold a candle to sb/sth
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cannot be compared favourably with sb/sth
pick up the tab
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to pay for sth
feast one’s eyes on sb/sth
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to look with pleasure at sth/sb
not be one’s cup of tea
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not to be to one’s taste
scrape the bottom of the barrel
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to be left with/use the worst person/object
break the ice
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to make sb relax/to get conversation started
in the soup
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in trouble
turn sb’s stomach
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to cause sb to feel sick/ disgusted
cast pearls before swine
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to offer sth good to sb who cannot appreciate the value of it
it’s no use crying over spilt milk
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there is no point in regretting sth that has happened
sour grapes
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negative attitude/bitterness because of jealousy
as dry as a bone
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very dry
up to scratch
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of the desired standard

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