Idiomy angielskie z książki "A good turn of phrase", unit 3

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Domanda English Risposta English
give sb the boot
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to fire sb from their job
a lame duck
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a person/company that is weak, a failure
feel the pinch
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to suffer because of lack of money
in the red
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in debt
hit rock bottom
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to reach the lowest point
in the black
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in credit/making profit
play with fire
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to take dangerous risks
step into sb’s shoes
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to replace sb
a firm hand
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control and discipline
pay dividends
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to bring advantages at a later date
a small fortune
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a lot of money
mean business
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to be serious about what one says/intends
get sth off the ground
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to start a business/company/project, etc.
bear fruit
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to produce good results
live on a shoestring
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to manage with very little money
burn the midnight oil
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to work very late at night to achieve sth
be rolling in it
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to be rich
keep one’s head above water
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to survive despite financial problems
to throw money down the drain
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to waste money
tighten one’s belt
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to live on a smaller budget

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