Synonyms for the adjective "easy"

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Domanda English Risposta English
something that is very easy to do
- How was the exam? - It was ________!
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piece of cake
an idiomatic expression
- How was the exam? - It was a piece of cake!
causing no problems or physical pain
I thought going to the gym is ________, but the next day I couldn't stand up.
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I thought going to the gym is painless, but the next day I couldn't stand up.
quiet and calm
I could stay there forever. It's so ________!
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I could stay there forever. It's so peaceful!
not needing a lot of time, energy, or attention
The task is ________ so I will do it in no time.
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The task is undemanding so I will do it in no time.
easy to see, recognize, or understand
- Are you in love with me? - Isn't it ________?
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- Are you in love with me? - Isn't it obvious?
easy to understand or do; not difficult
Is present simple called ________ because it's easy to learn?
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Is present simple called simple because it's easy to learn?
simple and not complicated, relating to the early stages of studying a subject
The ________ knowledge of marketing is required.
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The elementary knowledge of marketing is required.
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