Synonyms for the adjective "scary"

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Domanda English Risposta English
extremely scary
The accident on the street was ________. I almost fainted only by seeing it.
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The accident on the street was petrifying. I almost fainted only by seeing it.
very scary
The look on her face was ________.
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The look on her fave was spine-chilling.
very scary
Any noise you hear in the graveyard is ________.
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Any noise you hear in the graveyard is hair-raising.
very scary
That movie we watched last night was ________.
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terrific =/= terrifying =/= terrible!
That movie we watched last night was terrifying.
making you feel fear
Walking alone in the graveyard is always ________.
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Walking alone in the graveyard is always frightening.
making you feel fear
It is ________ that there were no witnesses.
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It is fearsome that there were no witnesses.
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