Synonyms for the verb "to have"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to have something inside or include something as a part
Do you know that Coca-cola used to _______ cocaine?
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to contain
Do you know that Coca-cola used to contain cocaine?
to include as part of something
Charles Dickens _______ in his books the concept of victorian morality.
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to embody
Charles Dickens embodied in his books the concept of victorian morality.
to be a part of something
Does the price of the flat _______ the bills?
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to include
Does the price of the flat include the bills?
to have something that legally belongs to you
How many houses does he _______?
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to own
How many houses does he own?
to include something, often as one of a number of things
My job _______ a lot of responsibility.
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to embrace
also to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone
My job embraces a lot of responsibility.
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