Synonyms for the adjective "strange"

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Domanda English Risposta English
unusual, hipster
- Why does he wear a top hat at home? - Well, he is quite ________.
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- Why does he wear a top hat at home? - Well, he is quite excentric.
strange and unusual
It's ________ she suddenly has so much money.
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also: interesting
It's curious she suddenly has so much money.
The result of the elections was ________.
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The result of the elections was unexpected.
unusual, original
It is so ________ to find a foreigner learning Polish for fun.
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It is so uncommon to find a foreigner learning Polish for fun.
unclear, not known
She died in ________ circumstances.
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She died in mysterious circumstances.
unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way
- Do you like herring? - No, because it has a ________ smell.
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- Do you like herring? - No, because it has a peculiar smell.
highly unusual
It's rush hours and there is no one on the street... It's so ________.
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It's rush hours and there is no one on the street... It's so bizarre.
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