English vocabulary in use advanced Unit 79

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To tell someone that you will certainly do something
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To risk money on the result of an event or a competition
Promise someone the earth/moon
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To promise a great deal. Usually unrealistic.
The afternoon promises to be interesting.
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The speaker expects it will be interesting
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It can be used to indicate positiv future development.
She shows a great promise as an English teacher She is promising artist.
An oath
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a formal promise or a taboo language
In court, witnesses are put on/under oath.
be under/on oath
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to have formally promised to tell the truth
to swear
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a formal promise, or bad language - (taboo expression)
I couldn't swear to it.
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I am not totally sure.
To pledge/ a pledge
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to promise something, often friendship or money.
On the last day of NKJO we all pledged eternal friendship.
To vow (a vow)
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To make a determined decision or promise to do something.
New Year's resolutions
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Special promises to change one's behaviour for the better at the beginning of a new year.
To turn over a new leaf
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To begin again, fresh; to reform and begin again.
Resolutions and vows like promises or pledges can be...
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Can be made, kept or broken.
A bet (to bet)
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A bet is to risk money on the unknown result of something in the hope of winning more money.
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A share or a financial involvement in something such as a bet or business
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A more formal word for bet.
She put a wager of 10 Euro on a horse.
your best bet
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your best decision or choice
A flutter
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A small bet especially on a horse race.
I would put money/my life on it.
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To be sure that it will happen.
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