Пытаючыся і даючы інструкцыі - Asking and giving instructions

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Вам спатрэбіцца цукар, масла, мука, яйкі і малако.
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You're going to use sugar, butter, flour, eggs and milk.
Потым, дадайце масла.
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Then, you must add the butter.
Далей, дадайце яйкі.
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Next, add the eggs.
Калі вы скончыце, запякайце сумесь.
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When you finish that, bake the mixture.
Так гатуецца торт.
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That's how a cake is made.
Колькі інгрэдыентаў мне спатрэбіцца?
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How many ingredients am I going to need?
Як згатаваць торт?
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How do I prepare a cake?
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