Dienas grafiks - Day schedule

 0    37 schede    VocApp
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Vai vari izņemt no ledusskapja apelsīnu sulu?
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a refrigerator
Could you get the orange juice from the refrigerator?
mazgāt zobus
Es biju dušā un izmazgāju zobus.
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to brush one's teeth
I had a shower and brushed my teeth.
Mosties! Tu nokavēsi skolu!
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to wake up
Wake up! You'll be late for school!
gludināšanas dēlis
Uz gludināšanas dēļa ir čupa ar drēbēm, kuras jāgludina.
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an ironing board
There's a pile of clothes on the ironing board waiting to be ironed.
gulēt kā baļķim
Pēc 19 km pastaigas, viņš gulēja kā baļķis.
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to sleep like a log
After his 12-mile walk, he slept like a log.
Vai esi redzējis manas pidžammas bikses?
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Have you seen my pyjama trousers?
celties vēlu
Svētdien es nestrādāju, lai es varētu vēlu celties.
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to have a lie-in
I'm not ​working ​on Sunday so I can have a ​bit of a lie-in.
+30 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
(Un totale di 1.251 schede)

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