Referring to research

5  1    12 schede    VocApp
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Szereg ostatnich badań, zwłaszcza tych przeprowadzonych przez ... i ..., ukazał, że...
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A number of recent studies, notably the ones by ... and ..., have shown that...
Zgodnie z...
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According to...
Badanie sugeruje / wskazuje, że...
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Research suggests / indicates that...
Naukowcy ostatecznie pokazali, że...
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Researchers have shown conclusively that...
Naukowcy rozpoznali tu trzy główne kwestie, którymi są...
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Researchers have identified three key issues here, they are...
w odniesieniu do...
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with reference to...
+6 schede
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"Business Presentation"
(Un totale di 348 schede)

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