500 most important Slovak verbs 151 - 175

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to clean
You should clean the kitchen immediately.
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Mal by si ihneď vyčistiť kuchyňu.
to ring
I was taking a shower when the doorbell rang.
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Sprchoval som sa keď zazvonil zvonček.
to fall
I fell and I broke my leg.
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Spadol som a zlomil som si nohu.
to control
He always wants to control everything.
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Vždy chce všetko kontrolovať.
to be afraid
I'm afraid we won't manage to catch this bus.
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obávať sa
Obávam sa, že sa nám nepodarí stihnúť autobus.
to breathe
Let me out, I can hardly breathe!
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Pusť ma von, sotva dýcham!
to sell
How many doughnuts have you sold today?
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Koľko šišiek si dnes predal?
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